Thursday 20 October 2016

Intermediate statistics Assignment help

We at Global web tutors provide expert help for Intermediate statistics assignment or Intermediate statistics homework. Our Intermediate statistics online tutors are expert in providing homework help to students at all levels. 
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 Intermediate statistics
  • Regression, Data mining, Natural language processing, Building multiple regressions, experimental method in psychology, mathematical techniques necessary for experimental research, basic probability, Inequalities, Vapnik-Chervonenkis Theory, Convergence, Sufficiency, Likelihood, Point Estimation, Minimax Theory, Asymptotics, Robustness
  • Hypothesis Testing, Confidence Intervals, Nonparametric Inference, Prediction and Classification, The Bootstrap, Bayesian Inference, Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Model Selection, Parametric Point Estimation, Methods, Method of Moments (MOM), Maximum likelihood (MLE), Bayesian estimators, Evaluating Estimators, Bias and Variance, Mean squared error (MSE)
  • Minimax Theory, Large sample theory (later), Analysis of variance, fixed effects, random and mixed effects, crossed and nested designs, regression models, Computer data processing using existing packages, R and LATEX, Introduction to Regression, Introduction to Data Analysis, Regression and OLS, Causality and Control, Inference and OLS Regression, Model Fit, Estimation and Inference, Matrix Form, Dummy Variable Regression, and Interaction Terms
STAT471 - Intermediate Statistics
  • Modern Data Mining, Statistics, Data Science , multiple regression, logistic regression technique , linear models, LASSO, Ridge regression, Contemporary methods, KNN, K nearest neighbor, Random Forest
  • Support Vector Machines, Principal Component Analyses , PCA, bootstrap, Text mining

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
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