Thursday 20 October 2016

Statistical Computing Assignment help

Get custom writing services for Methods of Statistical Computing Assignment help & Methods of Statistical Computing Homework help. Our Methods of Statistical Computing Online tutors are available for instant help for Methods of Statistical Computing assignments & problems.
Computing Methods:
Computing methods is an approach for constructing systems which are computationally intelligent, possess human like expertise in particular domain, can adapt to the changing environment and can learn to do better can explain their decisions. Computations must be completed within a reasonable time period.
The various type of Computation is the following:-
Message-Passing Computing is a method of creating separate processes for execution on different computers. It is a method of sending and receiving messages.
Pipelined Computation is a problem  divided  into  a  series  of  tasks  that  have  to  be  completed one after the other. Each task executed by a separate process or processor.
Ideal Parallel Computation is a computation that can obviously be divided into a number of completely individual parts. Each of which can be executed by a separate processor.
Hard computing is based on the concept of precise modeling and analyzing to yield accurate results. It works well for simple problems.
Soft computing aims to surmount NP-complete problems. It uses inexact methods to give useful but inexact answers to intractable problems. It represents a significant paradigm shift in the aims of computing - a shift which reflects the human mind.
The Computing methods provide an alternative for such complicated calculations. The following are the advantages in using computational methods.
They are extremely powerful problem solving tools. It is capable of handling large system of equations, non-linearities, complicated geometries.Computational methods reduce higher mathematics to basic arithmetic operations.The results can be viewed dynamically at the design stage and possible to control the errors due to various approximations.
Markov chains, Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Metropolis-Hasting, Gibbs sampler, MCMC in DNA motif discovery, MCMC in DNA motif discovery, Marginalization, General conditional sampling.

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