Saturday 22 October 2016

Multivariate Statistics Assignment help

Get custom writing services for Multivariate Statistics Assignment help & Multivariate Statistics Homework help. Our Multivariate Statistics Online tutors are available for instant help for Multivariate Statistics assignments & problems.

Topics for Multivariate Statistics
  • Estimation and Hypothesis Testing for multivariate normal data, Principal Component Analysis , Factor Analysis, Discriminant Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Correspondence Analysis, Multivariate normal distribution, maximum likelihood estimation
  • Wisharts distribution, Hotellings T2, hypothesis testing , Principal Components Analysis , derivation of principal components, PCA structural model, PCA on normal populations, biplots, Factor Analysis orthogonal factor model, estimation and factor rotation., Linear discriminant analysis, Fisher method, discrimination with two groups, Hierarchical clustering methods, measures of distance
  • non-hierarchical methods, model-based clustering., Concepts of correspondence analysis, chi-square distance , inertia multiple correspondence analysis, Estimation methods, Multilevel modelling , matrix algebra for statistics, Principal components analysis , Factor analysis, structural equation modelling

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